Introducing SIPET

SIPET is designed as an accessible, open website for discussions around the energy transition in Southeast Asia. The aim is to provide a dynamic platform for discussions among a range of stakeholders--governments, development agencies, the private sector, academia, and civil society--working to help Southeast Asian countries as they transition to a sustainable energy system that provides people with reliable and affordable energy, while also complying with their national commitments (nationally determined contributions, or NDCs) under the Paris Climate Agreement.



The mission of SIPET is to facilitate the dissemination and sharing of information on the energy transition across Southeast Asia in a manner that establishes low-friction collaborative interactions among partner organizations and other energy and nonenergy stakeholders across the region.



SIPET envisions itself as a pioneering collaborative platform that shall empower stakeholders to fully decarbonize the power systems of the Southeast Asian countries while keeping them secure and affordable at the same time.  

Who we are 

The Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) Programme aims to support a narrative change in the region’s power sector towards an evidence-based energy transition, in the pursuit of the Paris Agreement goals. 

The CASE Programme is implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).  


The implementing consortium is made up by eight organisations led by the German international cooperation and development agency GIZ GmbH, two international and five local expert organisations.

International Expert Organisations  
Local Expert Organisations 
CASE is an aligned programme of the Energy Transition Partnership (ETP)

CASE is an aligned programme of the Energy Transition Partnership (ETP), an alliance of international donors, philanthropies, and partner governments established to accelerate energy transition and to support sustainable development goals in Southeast Asia. The ETP is focusing on strengthening the policy environment for energy efficiency and renewable energy, increasing public and private investment flows, accelerating the integration of variable renewable energy into the grid, building local capacity and knowledge, and fostering public awareness of the importance of energy transition. CASE is providing active support at different level of this initiative to ensure complementarity and coordination that the countries request and need to increase their ambitions. sddfsfsdfdsfkb kbjkh j kjhjk hkj