The Power Sector Resources is a repository of useful tools that shall help clean energy professionals understand the current state of energy systems in Southeast Asia, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time. These shall also support to identify best practices, innovations, and emerging technologies that can be adopted and scaled to support the energy transition. test
The Power Transition Progress Tool monitors the progress of the energy transition of Southeast Asian countries. Along 69 indicators under nine dimensions the tool analyses the status of different elements that are part of the transition.
Explore moreThe Power Sector Snapshots provide insights into the four major Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) by complementing data based on the Power Sector Data Base with quantitative context.
Explore moreThe Power Sector Data Browser displays up-to-date, open-source, quantitative power sector data of ten ASEAN countries. It provides a one-stop-shop for data of a variety of indicators related to the power sector.
Explore moreThe Global Energy Monitor (GEM) Power Plant Trackers are a comprehensive set of tools that use an interactive map-based platform. They offer summaries and analyses at the regional or global scale, and background and details on a power plant level.
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