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Solar Powered Home Lighting System
This project suggests a solar powered home lighting system that uses solar power and LED lighting technology in a more efficient way. Solar power systems use solar panels to convert the sun’s energy directly to electricity. This electricity is stored in the batteries that can supply only DC output. All available lighting systems, including LED lights, work on AC power. So the DC supply needs to be converted to AC using inverters, which causes some loss of power. The amount of power lost during this process depends on the efficiency of the inverter.But, if we look closely, in most of the LED lighting systems, the AC is converted back to DC using switched-mode power supplies (SMPS) having an efficiency of around 80 per cent.This system proposes to use the power from the battery directly for LED lighting, eliminating the need for DC-to-AC conversion by the inverter and AC-to-DC conversion by the LED light’s SMPS supply.
January 2023 - February 2023