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Use case 2 by Energy Transition Expert
Dr. Siripha Junlakarn, researcher at the Energy Research Institute (ERI) at Chulalongkorn University, , commended the standardized approach to data in the database, as it improved data conformity and facilitated efficient comparative analysis.
08-2021     |     Southeast Asia Information Platform for the Energy Transition
Clean Technology Energy Geo Politics Electric Vehicles (Evs/Batteries/EV Charging)
SIPET Power Sector Resource Data Browser

Samart Kumar, program manager at Agora Energiewende, and Judit Hecke, climate policy analyst at NewClimate Institute, introduced SIPET’s Power Sector Data Browser and complementary Power Sector Snapshots. During the presentation, Samart explained the database-building process, which utilized primary data sources from ministries, governments, utilities, and generation companies, while Judit provided a virtual walkthrough of the Data Browser and Snapshots


09-2022     |     Samart Kumar, program manager at Agora Energiewende, and Judit Hecke, climate policy analyst at NewClimate Institute, introduced SIPET’s Power Sector Data Browser and complementary Power Sector Snapsh
Clean Technology Climate Change Electric Vehicles (Evs/Batteries/EV Charging) Energy Environment Policies and Practice
Energy Efficiency (4E) Phase II
Under the BMZ-funded second phase of the 4E Project, further development of RE and EE is focused on strengthening the legal framework for RE and EE as well as enhancing the human capacity of the related active stakeholders. The second phase of 4E includes a co-financing component with the EU “Technical Assistance (TA) for the Implementation of the EU-Vietnam Energy Facility” (in short: TA for EVEF), which thematically reinforces and complements 4E BMZ component’s fields of action. The EVEF is aimed at supporting the Ministry of Industry and Trade and non-Ministry institutions in the energy sector with technical assistance focusing on regulatory framework improvement, strengthening technical and methodological capacities in RE, EE, energy access and energy data and statistics.
02-2022     |     dsdas
Clean Technology Climate Change Energy Geo Politics
Preferential Dispatch of all Renewable Energy Plants in the WESM

This publication reports on the effects of preferential dispatch of all existing geothermal, biomass, and impounding hydroelectric power plants, in strengthening the Philippine's energy self-sufficiency. Findings show that preferential dispatch for all renewable energy (RE) will increase the use of indigenous RE resources, diversify the energy mix, and reduce market clearing prices in the spot market.

The Preferential Dispatch report serves as evidence to the Department Circular No. DC2022-10-0031 of the Philippine Department of Energy. The report is authored by the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC)

01-2023     |     ICSC
Clean Technology Energy Geo Politics Electric Vehicles (Evs/Batteries/EV Charging)
test by atul 1

test by atul 1test by atul 1test by atul 1

04-2023     |     atul
Energy Transition Renewables
SIPET Member Highlight: Angelika Marie David

SIPET aims to create a community of energy transition stakeholders in the region to encourage knowledge SHARING and collaboration. Each month, we feature brief interviews of SIPET community members actively working to reduce the impacts of climate change and accelerate the transition towards clean, affordable, and secure energy for Southeast Asia.

These interviews highlight SIPET members’ work, what they consider milestones, what they are most proud of, and how SIPET can help.


Angelica is the CASE Project Lead for the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), a Philippine-based international non-government group advancing fair climate policy and low-carbon, climate-resilient development. ICSC is engaged with the international climate and energy policy arena and is the Philippines’ local expert organization for the CASE for Southeast Asia.

A large part of Angelika’s work in the past years has focused on energy policy. She has been involved in research on off-grid island electrification, stranded coal assets, and carbon pricing. Angelika also engages with energy policymakers and stakeholders to support dialogues on low-carbon development and accelerate the energy transition within the Philippines and regionally. She also works as an analyst of the climate finance team to support the development of the team’s climate finance accountability work on energy and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

01-2023     |     sipet
Climate Change
SIPET Member Highlight: Angelika Marie David

SIPET aims to create a community of energy transition stakeholders in the region to encourage knowledge SHARING and collaboration. Each month, we feature brief interviews of SIPET community members actively working to reduce the impacts of climate change and accelerate the transition towards clean, affordable, and secure energy for Southeast Asia.

These interviews highlight SIPET members’ work, what they consider milestones, what they are most proud of, and how SIPET can help.


Angelica is the CASE Project Lead for the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), a Philippine-based international non-government group advancing fair climate policy and low-carbon, climate-resilient development. ICSC is engaged with the international climate and energy policy arena and is the Philippines’ local expert organization for the CASE for Southeast Asia.

A large part of Angelika’s work in the past years has focused on energy policy. She has been involved in research on off-grid island electrification, stranded coal assets, and carbon pricing. Angelika also engages with energy policymakers and stakeholders to support dialogues on low-carbon development and accelerate the energy transition within the Philippines and regionally. She also works as an analyst of the climate finance team to support the development of the team’s climate finance accountability work on energy and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

01-2023     |     sipet
Carbon & Renewable Energy
SIPET Member Highlight: Angelika Marie David

SIPET aims to create a community of energy transition stakeholders in the region to encourage knowledge SHARING and collaboration. Each month, we feature brief interviews of SIPET community members actively working to reduce the impacts of climate change and accelerate the transition towards clean, affordable, and secure energy for Southeast Asia.

These interviews highlight SIPET members’ work, what they consider milestones, what they are most proud of, and how SIPET can help.


Angelica is the CASE Project Lead for the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), a Philippine-based international non-government group advancing fair climate policy and low-carbon, climate-resilient development. ICSC is engaged with the international climate and energy policy arena and is the Philippines’ local expert organization for the CASE for Southeast Asia.

A large part of Angelika’s work in the past years has focused on energy policy. She has been involved in research on off-grid island electrification, stranded coal assets, and carbon pricing. Angelika also engages with energy policymakers and stakeholders to support dialogues on low-carbon development and accelerate the energy transition within the Philippines and regionally. She also works as an analyst of the climate finance team to support the development of the team’s climate finance accountability work on energy and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

01-2023     |     sipet
Climate Change